Head to Prontera to begin the celebration! Find NPC Clinkz at the fountains in Prontera’s square to begin a journey back to where you began your adventures.
There are celebrators throughout Rune-Midgarts you will need to find to relieve your past and earn gifts!
Wondering who these new people in Prontera are? Complete the anniversary quest line to unlock daily quests from these travelers from an older age.
Find and defeat Menacing Creamy throughout fields in game that followed the Bard and Dancer to our world. They may drop coins! NPC Clinkz has items he can trade you for these 2nd Anniversary Tokens!
RO1 Bard Style (Male) 80 tokens
RO1 Dancer Style (Female) 80 tokens
Lucky Powder 10 Tokens
Blessing Powder 10 Tokens
Infinium 10 Tokens
Master Battle Manual Order 2 Tokens
Phantom Stone 1 Token
Thief Potion 1 Token
Hogren’s Honing Polish Box 5 Tokens
2nd Anniversary Cake Hat 30 Tokens