It's been four years! Can you believe it? In honor of this momentous occasion we have a new quest just for you!
You may begin your quest at this mysterious mailbox. Where you may begin your adventure with, "Call From a Friend."
Memories abound as you find yourself treading on familiar ground, Prontera! Where you must speak with Zeras Hyperion.
What antics could these NPC's possibly be up to? Your next step will be back in Alberta with Maden.
Who will then direct you to visit Aione.
Once you have spoken to the illustrious Aione it is back to Maden who has more than just a few quests in store.
Thus begins your quest through memory lane to collect the Memory Stones!
With the stones you may collect Birthday Present Tickets that can then be traded to Menille for nifty prizes!.
Celebrate the memories one Dungeon at a time!