Ragnarok 2: Past, Present, Future
Video Contest
Event Period: May 15 - June 26
Four years of Ragnarok 2, and each of you have left a lasting impression on the history of the game. Anniversaries are a time of reflection, and in this video creation event we invite you to tell us about your special moments in Ragnarok 2.
Entry Instructions
Entries will be in video format.
The videos that best show passion, enthusiasm, effort, and creativity will be selected as grand prize winners. Grand prize winners will receive the participation reward as well as:
One of each:
3 Slot Upper, or Middle, or Lower Face accessory item of your choice
3 Slot Kafra or Swag or body costume item of your choice
Each qualifying participant will receive 5x Cheny's Sunshine Box.
For more information and to submit your entry, visit the event post: HERE!