4th Anniversary: Load Screen Art Contest
March 6 - April 10
Happy Anniversary Ragnarok 2! Has it really been 4 years already!? Get ready to screenshot, draw, or otherwise create a loading screen that can be shared with the entire community!
In honor of Ragnarok 2's anniversary we will be updating the loading screens to show off your artistic talent! Share a picture of Ragnarok 2 that you have created yourself. It can be drawn, an edited screenshot, or other form of media as long as it adheres to the entry requirements. Show us what you love about the game, how you will be celebrating-- whatever you'd like as long as it's anniversary themed!
Entries will be accepted from March 6 to April 10.
Entry Instructions
Format: 1920 x 1080 .JPG
Edited screenshot, traditional media or digital software drawings. Content from RO2 screenshots or concept art may be used.
Winners will be chosen based on the quality, thoughtfulness, and celebratory feel. Multiple winners will be chosen, and final count will be determined by number of entries received.
Winners will receive:
2x 3-slot costume pieces of their choice, including Swag or Kafra [3] pieces of their choice!
In addition to participation prize.
Each participant will receive 1x Cheny's Snowflake and 2x 3~5 star DNA Random Boxes by Cheny.
OK: Drawings you have created with traditional media or digital software are acceptable. Including content from R02 screenshots in game that you have edited is allowed. 3D renders you have created are also okay if the work is entirely your own creation. Any media that can be presented in a format that fits the required dimensions is acceptable as long as it is your own work.
NOT OK: Any artwork taken from another artist or from media you do not have rights to is not allowed. If you did not draw it, render it, or screen cap it from the game, don’t include it. This extends to backgrounds, wallpapers, 3D renders, and screenshots from other media. Do not include content you have found on google, deviant art, or other sources you do not have rights to, even if you credit the source. The entry must be 100% your own work, with the exception of in game screenshots you've taken.
Entries violating the rules will be disqualified. Entries using artwork that is not their own will be tortured by Idun.
Entry Format
Please use this format when submitting an entry:
In-game Name:
Link to Image:
[Format: 1920 x 1080 .JPG]