Aeria Games is closing its Ragnarok Online 2 channeling effective August 15, 2017. Players of Ragnarok Online 2 that use Aeria Games will no longer be able to login through their service. Unfortunately, this change was not communicated to us in time to make appropriate preparations. As a result, the transition for our Aeria Games users will not be as fluid as we would have liked.
Rest assured, your accounts, characters, and items are safely stored within our servers and the change from Aeria Games will have no impact on them. We are actively working on a solution to get all Aeria Games RO2 accounts converted to WarpPortal accounts. In the meantime, Aeria Games users can write in to Support to see about converting their accounts immediately.
To submit a support ticket, please visit this page: https://support.warpportal.com/Main/Default.aspx
If you have never submitted a support ticket before, please visit this page for instructions: https://support.warpportal.com/KB/a440/submitting-a-ticket-through-the-support-page.aspx
To expedite the process, please be prepared to provide the following in your ticket:
- Aeria Games user ID
- Aeria Games account number. You can find the account number by logging in to your Aeria Games account, visiting the SETTINGS page, and copying the account number from the URL. Example: www.aeriagames.com/user/ACCOUNTNUMBER/edit/account
- IP Addresses associated with your account.
- Character names, screenshots, etc. that can help prove your account ownership.
Please also include a valid email address.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience that Aeria Games’ decision may have caused you. We will work with you to restore your account to you as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.